Warrior Training & Fitness




YES! We offer a FREE TRIAL CLASS for each of the regular training classes

Yes, if you can’t make it for the full month then you can pay per class. Please refer to the individual classes to see the rates.

Yes, we offer discounts to our members. For a small amount of Rs. 500/year you can become a member and avail of a discounts

Our membership fees are Rs. 500/year

As a member you will get the following benefits:

  • 20% discount on any additional class that you sign up for.
  • Preference on Workshops, Seminars, Events and Courses.
  • Discounts and deals on the products from our upcoming store.
  • Discounts on our future services.

It’s simple, drop in to our training centre, pick up the membership form and class registration form and return the filled up form with a recent photo, Aadhar card copy and membership fee of Rs. 500 (per year).

Fees are to be paid within the first week of the month.

We accept cash payments as well as GPay/UPI and Direct Bank Transfer. (Details provided upon request)


Our trial sessions are normal classes. Our classes cater to everyone from newcomers to old-timers

Please come in comfortable sports attire; we suggest knee-length/long pants or tights, and a tank top or t-shirt. Unless attended a class which is uniformed with a “Gi”.

Please carry a separate pair of clean shoes for the class besides a hand towel and a bottle of water.

Yes, definitely! All our classes are conducted by certified, trained professionals. You can workout at your own pace and your fitness will grow alongside your new skills.

Absolutely, most of our current members started from ground zero. Our classes are designed to work for a variety of skill and fitness levels, with instructors committed to helping you achieve your goals. All we ask is that you leave your ego at the door, no matter what background you have.

We always recommend that members have a light meal a half hour to an hour before class. We suggest eating a heavier yet healthy meal after your workout to boost your body’s recovery time.

Out of safety and respect for other members, please do not attend class if you are feeling ill.